ザアートアットマークスガレージ( The ARTS at Marks Garage )ホノルルショッピングのインスタと口コミ


ザアートアットマークスガレージ(The ARTS at Marks Garage)の店舗情報

店舗名 The ARTS at Marks Garage
電話 +1 808-521-2903
住所 1159 Nuuanu Ave, 96817-5121
ホームページ ザアートアットマークスガレージのホームページ





最終更新日: 2016年12月5日

  • ※口コミ情報は現在まとめられていません。



In referencing photos for this piece I learned that the octopus brain is distributed between its 8 limbs and the central brain, and that the suckers can taste what they are touching. They essentially can’t control their limbs after issuing a command, and their limbs don’t operate in conjunction with each other ? kind of like the internet (whereas humans are like a CPU). The central brain only receives feedback by visually watching the limbs. Octopi can open childproof lids and have been known to come onto fishing boats to open holds to steal crabs. Their smooshiness and devious nature makes them almost impossible to study. They sneak out of aquariums at night and will pull off any wires affixed to their limbs. I’ll probably never eat octopus again (you’re essentially eating a brain with hundreds of little tongues). I will probably never paint one again (those suckers are an exercise in futility). I find them to be loveable and creepy. They evolved from an entirely different genetic foundation than all other vertebrae, so are the closest thing to alien intelligence that we have. In Hawaiian creation myth the present cosmos is only the last in a series, having arisen from the wreck of the previous universe. In the story the octopus is the lone survivor of a previous, alien universe. Used #kellyslater and #sallyfitzgibbons as the surf models #surfer #surfillustration #surfart #surfergirl #octobarrel #octopus #alien #octopusart #art #artshow #pancakesandbooze #creative #oceanlove #ocean #surfingwiththealien #tako #nationaloctopusday #hawaiiancreationmyth 36"x24" acrylic on canvas. Prints and original for sale upon request.

J. Ziembaさん(@zurfergirl808)が投稿した写真 –